(Civil Project) Energy storage systems: an approach involving the concept of exergy

This project deals with thermal energy storage systems (TES), which are devices used to store and re-lease thermal energy with a time delay. In the first part of the study, the state-of-art of the TES systems is discussed, grouping the different technologies on the basis of the energy storing process.

(Mechanical Project) Evaluating new Pilot Stage Concept

This report is a first practical study of micro valves for hydraulics, manufactured by Microstaq Inc. who uses, for hydraulics, new materials and new actuating technologies. The purpose is to evaluate if, in the future, there is any possibility of complementing or exchanging the classical use of electro magnetic solenoids in electro hydraulic applications with this new technology.
The valves studied are of MEMS-type (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems), which are etched out of silicon and has an electro thermic actuation. During the study it showed that this new valve technology had some teething troubles. The valves had proplems managing high pressure drops, both regarding strength of materials and performance. If you let the manufacturers further develop this technology there are great potentials for using this in future hydraulic systems.
Source: Linköping University
Author: Bengtsson, Robert

(Management Project) Human Resource Management in Charitable Organizations

In recent years, the nonprofit sector has grown and charitable organizations have become more important. HRM has got a more significant role and it is no longer enough to build an organization on the perception that “doing good is good enough”.

(Computer/Electronics/Mechanical Project) Seam Tracking in a Complex Aerospace Component for Laser Welding

This project is a result of collaboration between the University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla and Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan. An aerospace component, which is used in a process at Volvo Aero Corporation, is casted in one piece. A new way of manufacturing thiscomponent is under investigation.

(Computer Project) Android Map Application

This project deals with thermal energy storage systems (TES), which are devices used to store and re-lease thermal energy with a time delay. In the first part of the study, the state-of-art of the TES systems is discussed, grouping the different technologies on the basis of the energy storing process.

(Electronics Project) Pre-study of new Electrical Coupling between Train Cars

This study is meant to be an initial study of the possibility to replace the discrete control signal wires over the electrical coupler between train cars with a data bus system. The reason for this is that the electrical coupler is large and heavy due to the high amount of contacts it contains.
It is also a problem for manufacturers who are upgrading an existing fleet and need to transfer more signals through a coupler with no spare contacts to use. Except the control signals there are also Ethernet and power signals in the electrical coupler. Some trains also use a bus system for control signals and/or signals containing a large amount of data such as passenger information.
This report gives a presentation of some common ways to distribute electrical signals throughout a train used by most manufacturers. It also presents some design recommendations for a system that would collect existing signals to a bus system and two different design proposals that should be considered if such a system is to be developed.

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