JNTU-HYD : B.Tech / B.Pharmacy I Mid Exams Scheduled on 4th September Are Postponed to 6th Sept 2012

The B.Tech/B.Pharmacy I Mid Exams Scheduled on 4th September 2012 Are postponed to 6th September 2012. There is no change in timings of exams.

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(Civil Project) Optimization of Best Management Practices for Watershed Planning

Increases in nutrient loading are an on-going problem in many watersheds including the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Best management practices (BMPs) are used to reduce loadings to watershed tributaries. However, budget constraints often make determining the most effective nutrient load reducing BMP set a complex task.

(Management Project) Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR): Structure for Responsibility

Many organisational flaws are consequences of unsuitable structure arrangements that do not support the organisation in its work towards goal accomplishment. The appropriateness of the structure is determined by how well it allows the organisation to respond to the environment in which it is active. Furthermore, an organisation is divided into parts with their own requirements on the structure.

(Mechanical Project) Analysis of the Z-wing configuration

This project will analyze the Z-wing configuration. The Z-wing configuration is basically an airplane that has one of the wings placed at the forward section of the fuselage and the other wing placed on the other side far aft at the fuselage.

(Computer Project) Efficient content distribution in IPTV environments

Existing VoD solutions often rely on unicast to distribute content, which leads to a higher load on the VoD server as more nodes become interested in the content. In such case, P2P is an alternative way of distributing content since it makes better use of available resources in the network. In this report, several P2P structures are evaluated from an operators point of view.

(Electronics Project) Indoor Positioning at Arlanda Airport

Recent years have witnessed remarkable developements in wireless positioning systems to satisfy the need of the market for real-time services. At Arlanda airport in Stockholm, LFV – department of research and developement wanted to invest in an indoor positioning system to deliver services for customers at the correct time and correct place.

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