Electronics Engineering Projects |
- Construction of microcontroller based Touchscreen Mobile Phone with Password protected features.
- Android Smart Phone based Home Automation.
- Touch Screen GLCD based Digital Devices Control System
- MEMS Accelerometer based tilt operated Graphical LCD and memory stick based textbook reading system.
- Evaluation of the tongue drive system by individuals with high-level spinal cord injury (IEEE 2009).
- GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading System
- USB Memory Stick Data Logger. Measured values are stored in to a USB Pen Drive.
- Microcontroller based GPS Data Logger into MMC/SD Card.
- Triac and optically isolated diac based electrical oven temperature monitoring and controlling system with zero-crossing detector.
- Voice Operated Guidance Systems for Vision Impaired People. (Speech Recognition, Voice Guidance, Ultrasonic Obstacle sensor and GPS Receiver).
- GSM based Irrigation Water Pump Controller for Illiterates. (No Mobile phone operation knowledge required)
- Smartphone blutooth controlled Robot.
- Implementation of location based advertisement system using GPS and Graphical LCD.
- Innovative keyboard construction with only one input pin.
- RFID and GSM based intelligent letterbox (mailbox).
- Wireless energy meter monitoring system with automatic tariff calculation on handheld.
- Image based password authentication for Illiterates with Touchscreen.
- Google Android operated Smart Home.
- Speaking microcontroller for deaf and dumb.
- Wireless GoogleEarth control system at Railway/Bus Stations for tourist’s route map guidance.
- Virtual wireless dancing bells for classical dancers.
- Touchscreen based temperature monitoring and control system with graphical LCD.
- Location driven car music player. (Plays devotional songs near temples, shuts at home etc.)
- GPS based asset/vehicle/animal/child tracking system.
- Automatic Closed loop tire pressure monitoring and control system.
- Microcontroller and Touchscreen based wireless library book catalog system.
- Touchscreen based Nurse/attendant calling system for physically impaired.
- Graphical LCD and Memory stick (MMC/SD card) based textbook reading system.
- Mobile phone controlled four-legged walking robot with speed and direction control.
- GPS based universal clock. Gets the time from satellites and displays on GLCD.
- Microcontroller based online examination system with dynamic questions.
- Digital vehicle speedometer with password enabled speed limit setting.
- GPS based vehicle travel location-logging system. This System stores the traveler’s geographical location and speed at an interval of one second and is stored in to 1GB MMC/SD memory card.
- SMS based remote SIM card’s address book access system.
- Microcontroller based digital clock with Graphical LCD and Sanskrit font (or Any regional font) Numbers.
- Microcontroller based virtual boundary/fencing for Wild Animals.
- GSM based instantaneous vehicle registration details extraction system very useful for Traffic police.
- Wireless Heartbeat Monitoring and Alert system.
- RFID/Mifare/Smart Card based security access control systems.
- GPS and GSM based real-time vehicle tracking on GoogleEarth (with two GSM Modems)
- Implementation of wireless sensors network for Wild Fire monitoring system.
- Real-time Heartbeat Monitoring system with display on Graphical LCD and Voice based alerting system.
- Touchscreen operated liquid dispensing system.
- Infrared (IR) remote controlled Muscle Stimulator with duration and intensity control.
- GPS based border alert system for fishermen.
- MEMS Accelerometer based digital photo frame with automatic position/view adjustment system (similar to digital cameras).
- Construction of Touchscreen based portable Digital Clock.
- GPS and Graphical display based tourist-guiding system with Touchscreen keyboard input for dynamic location recording. This can be used any where in the world including Sea and Forest locations.
- Microcontroller and RF transceiver based chatting application with Touchscreen keyboard implementation.
- Travel assistant for blind with dynamic user input for location based alerts.