Prize-winning student projects


Artificial Intelligence / Music Informatics

Thomas Wright

Expressive music performance system
Tom Wright, BA Music Informatics
Department prize for best artificial intelligence / music informatics project

Computer Science / IT

James Coote

Mapping planes using ADS-B
James Coote, BSc Computer Science
British Computer Society prize for best computer science / IT project

Digital Media

Sergio Abendivar

Basque Country popular culture site / social network
Sergio Abendivar, BSc Multimedia and Digital Systems
Department prize for best digital media project


Artificial Intelligence / Music Informatics


Computer Science is the scientific study of computers and their usage for computation, systems control, advanced algorithmic properties, artificial intelligence, data processing, and programming. Including theory, design, and analysis, computer science is the study of theoretical foundations and computation in computer systems.
All projects
  • Caffeine And Typing
    To determine if the effects of a caffeine stimulant has any impact on typing speed.

  • Computer Passwords
    To determine the strength of several different computer passwords. At the end of this experiment, you and your classmates will have an understanding of what factors make weak computer passwords and which types of passwords are stronger.

  • Font and Memory
    To determine whether a serif font, such as Times New Roman or a sans serif font, such as Arial is more easily remembered.

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