Student Projects :
Advance fish monitoring system
University of Portland Projects
Build Footbridges
Project Ideas:
Aditives to concrete: Improvement of concrete durability(pdf)
Compaction and soil stabilization : Fly ash
Environmentally friendly civil engineering : Related News
Civil engineering and poverty alleviation (labor intensive construction possibility)
Footbridge or small vehicle bridge over a river.
Enhancing the strength properties of recycled aggregate concrete through the use of supplimentary cementing materials.
Evaluation of minimum shear reinforcement in RC Beams.(PPT)
Pedestrian bridge over College Avenue :
Fictitious or real office building.
Design a (true) gantry crane for a shipyard (not an overhead crane like in the Structures Lab). See anexample crane.
Design an Engineering Annex across 4th St for new Manufacturing and Robotics Lab facilities.
If you're attending UT, you should check the bookstore at the computer section if they have one. They usually have a student engineering package for CAD software, pretty cheap too.